February 18,2008 – Of all the animal relationships on the farm, none is stranger than the friendship between Winston and Minnie, my venerable rooster and a formerly feral barn cat. They hang out together, and stay warm together. Nice to see.
Hopefully, I will get my camera back today. Missed it. I’ve decided to train Lenore for Hospice work. Three trial runs were very successful. Like Izzy, she has a gift for it, though she is not yet quite as calm. Working on it. Sun is out, which is nice. Hope to finish editing “Izzy/Lenore” book this week. Lots of housekeeping stuff and soon, lots of Spring stuff – pasture management, shearing, trimming, vaccinations and have to figure out summer work. I am thinking of taking camera and a dog or two and heading out somewhere for a week. Got to figure out where.
by Jon Katz