28 January

Cover Girl: “Izzy and Lenore: Two Dogs, an Unexpected Journey, and Me”

by Jon Katz

January 28, 2008 – So I just got the cover of my next book (the prototype) in the mail, and I was delighted to see the editors and artists at Random House have chosen this photo of Lenore, the love pup, for the cover.
 It’s not definite, but I don’t see how they could resist. Not only will it be my first book cover photo (nice) but her face captures the reflective nature of the book. All of us with Labs know that her troubled look comes not from contemplating life but from her extreme disappointment that, uncharacteristically, I was not carrying treats. To Lenore, this is betrayal.
  But that’s our secret.
  The book, just finished this weekend, is titled “Izzy and Lenore; Two dogs, an unexpected journey, and me” and is scheduled for publication this October from Villard, a division of Random House. I will be on a book tour then, but don’t know to which cities. I am donating book sales from the tour to benefit the hospice movement, and my experiences with hospice and Izzy will be a part of the book.
  I’ve written a bit about Izzy and hospice, but some of you may not know that the acquisition of Lenore last summer was a big milestone for me — she not only fired me up after my bout with depression, she also reminded me why I love dogs, training them, living with them, writing about them. As I’ve said before, she is the light. I have three great dogs, each a distinct individual in his or her own right. Rose the partner and working dog, Izzy the soulmate and Lenore, a beautiful, generous and sweet affection machine. She is as wonderfully simple as the other two are complex, a powerful combination of big heart and good looks. A great choice for a Cover Girl.
  And special thanks again go to the wonderful breeder and friend, Gretchen Pinkel, of Kee-Pin Labradors, Argyle, N.Y.  Lenore is the standard, at least to me.

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