January 26, 2008 – Lenore came nose-to-nose with Elvis for the first time, and her relentlessly genial unflappability failed her a bit. She even left off eating cow manure briefly, to check out her escape routes and she looked up and her eyes widened at the 3,000 steamship bearing down on her. Elvis was fascinated by her, perhaps pondering whether she might be a donut. They went nose to nose, then lose interest in each other, and then Lenore did go after the cow pie until I yelled at her. After a few minutes, they were checking each other out, but no big deal. Lenore has now come nose to nose with every creature on the farm, and the only animal that doesn’t like her is Jesus, the only male donkey (naturally). He puts his nose down, and his ears back around her.
Otherwise, she is not the official farm greeter.
Lenore meets Elvis
by Jon Katz