22 January

Snow, again

by Jon Katz

January 22, 2008 – Cold, and..snowing, of course. Poor Paula has arrived with bags of groceries, and other supplies for the computer. She is going to have to battle with Lenore, who, in the cold, has taken to fighting for the pillow at the top of the bed. Lenore puts up quite a battle, and even when you get up and pull her down to the foot of the bed, she scrambles back before you can get back there. Last night, she slept with her head burrowed in my neck, snoring and dreaming about biscuits. I could not move her, and gave up.
  Two nights ago, I took the camera to bed to look at some settings and fell asleep with it. Lenore is warmer.
  Paula is tough, but Lenore may be tougher.

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