11 January

Izzy and Glen

by Jon Katz

January 11, 2008 – Raining, cold, beautiful, spiritual kind of day. Hope for some gloomy rain shots. Got a lens case so I won’t be dropping more lenses. Cracked a zoom the other day dropping it out of the case.
Working on two  more poems this weekend.

   So many people e-mailed me about the Izzy and Glen visit, shown above (and below in yesterday’s Farm Journal) and many asked if there were other pictures of Izzy visiting Glen, a retired logger living in the Adirondacks enrolled in the hospice program, that I posted this one also. Izzy reminds Glen of his late but beloved dog Pal, who rode around with him in logging trucks and lived to be 16. Izzy will be visiting Glen over the weekend. Izzy is a gift, to me, to Glen, to the world.

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