August 14, 2007 — Cool, clear. Talked to Paula. Emma has returned to the U.S. from Taiwan. Anthony came bye to say goodbye. Becky called last night to wish me a good trip. Bill and Maria came by to sit on the porch. I am lucky to have these kinds of people in my life.
Off to Raleigh for the last round of the book tour, an appearance Wednesday night at the Quail Ridge bookstore and some stops at local SPCA’s. Maria will drive me down to Newark Airport for the flight, easier to get there than up here.
Was mulling the improvements to the farm this summer. New sheep cover for the meadow across the street. New foundation for Carriage Barn. New foundation and deck for studio barn. Four lilac bushes and birch tree planted. Two new maples also behind the farmhouse. Area behind both barns across the street graded, leveled and trees cleared out, a century of junk cleared away. Don Cavna built a new sheep/donkey feeder. Gardens tended and refurbished. Don is expanding the pole barn and replacing rot. We have a pen for the goats. Don built a new sliding door for the barn, eaten by donkeys. He is building a new fence for the dogs, as the old one is now used by the goats. We are getting a new side screen door for the farmhouse. New latches for barn windows. Fix gates into pasture. New driveway by Robbin Slater. Ditches widened to handle water flow. Almost all of the improvements this year have been to the barns and grounds, and for the animals. Need to pay some attention to the farmhouse next year.
Next week, I take pictures, start working on the book Anthony I are going to do together, return to work on “My Farm,” plan for Art Harvest.
Last Leg
by Jon Katz