August 6, 2007 – Very hot, sticky. John Sweenor, a self-described Chevy man, and master mechanic and proprietor of Sweenor’s Garage in Hebron, N.Y., last night brought back my Honda four-wheeler, which stalled out in the woods Sunday. John can fix anything with an engine, and works at Hand Motors in Manchester, Vt. He goes with me to buy cars, and makes sure I don’t buy or order anything I don’t need. He is also a master automotive stylist, guiding me into the world of rims, brush-guards, special lights and other touches that have teenagers coming up to me in malls and admiring my “20’s.” I took Izzy and Rose and took off into the woods for a run – Emma’s legs won’t hold up to that racing, I’m afraid.
It is great having John Sweenor in my life, as there are a lot of engines on the farm, and John can fix all of them. He is decent, honest and competent, a great combination. And a good friend.
A four-wheeler is not a luxury item for me. I use it to haul hay and firewood, race up to check the fences, go visit Elvis, run the dogs in the woods, check the property over the hill and go off into the woods. Anthony taught me that used properly, these machines don’t have to damage the environment. They can bring you to it, and I have had many great outings into the woods with this machine. I am glad John Sweenor is around to keep it, the tractor and the Blazer running.
John is, I should say, a Chevy snob, and can barely talk to people with Fords or foreign vehicles.