Perfect morning, though chilly. Took Izzy and Rose out to herd the flock in their new summer home in the meadow across from the farmhouse, leaving Emma behind as sheep frighten her. The two dogs are beginning to work beautifully together, splitting off and moving the sheep calmly around the pasture while I walk in front of or behind the flock. There is a beautifully symmetry to herding with these dogs, at least sometimes, an ancient ballet between me, them and the sheep. I hope this will be a new routine. When I get the border collies to lie down, the sheep start grazing, a sign that they’re comfortable with the dogs, getting used to the two herders. Rose doesn’t mind the partnership, and is businesslike, as usual. But she’s incredulous that Izzy often breaks away from the herd to come over for an encouraging pat and hug.
I filled the water tub from new frost-free hydrant in the meadow. I notice the sheep are drinking more as the weather finally warms up. The sheep will have enough grass for the summer. Nice to see this meadow become a sheep pasture again, as it was 150 years ago, and also a powerful thing to see these dogs do what they were born to do.